Online Registration Is Open
Our Student Information System (SIS) TeacherEase has fee payments included as part of the program.
Student Registration
Online registration for returning students as well as new students who have completed the initial registration process is open as of July 9, 2024. Any questions should be directed to the school building offices during business hours.
New families to the District must first complete the initial registration process before fully registering. Directions are found in the following section New Families to the School District.
Families that have had a previous child registered in the District and are currently registering a new student should view the directions found in the following section Returning Family with a New Student.
All students must complete the registration process. Returning families will start the registration process by going to TeacherEase, clicking "Forgot password?" and following the instructions to gain access to their TeacherEase account (returning families will need to access their accounts using the same email used for Skyward's Qmaltiv). Families will submit two proofs of residence, be able to pay fees, and update student information and transportation plan.
New families will have to create a TeacherEase account by accessing the New Student form to gain access and begin the registration process. An email will be sent to your personal account giving you access to our student information portal, TeacherEase. New families to the District must first complete the initial registration process before fully registering. Once you have fully completed registration, please contact the respective school for further information on registration and scheduling.
*If the student attended the District, left, and is now returning or the student received any form of services from our District such as speech or preschool, please contact the school building the student would attend before starting the process.
Parents or guardians who have or have had students in the District and are registering a new student for the upcoming school year will go to TeacherEase, click "Forgot password?" and follow the instructions to gain access to their TeacherEase account (returning families will need to access their accounts using the same email used for Skyward's Qmaltiv). Once you have completed this process, please contact the respective school for further information and scheduling.
If you have any further questions, please contact the appropriate building:
Mascoutah High School, 618-566-8523
Mascoutah Middle School, 618-566-2305
Mascoutah Elementary School, 618-566-2152
Scott Elementary School, 618-746-4738
Wingate Elementary School, 618-746-4802
Administrative Support Center, 618-566-7414
Proof of Residency: Two proofs of residency are required. Families on private housing on SAFB have alternate requirements. Please read the linked document for further details on residency and scenarios.
Health Forms (Dental, Eye, and Physical): You may click on the blue hyperlinks on the spreadsheet to access the current form for each (Dental, Eye, Physical, as well as associated waivers). You may print these forms, complete them, and submit them to the school.
Student Fees will be collected online through TeacherEase.
Fees must be paid in order to pick up schedules.
District Payment Methods:
Pay during registration using TeacherEase.
If you need assistance registering or if you do not have access to complete the registration process online, please contact the school building(s) that your child(ren) will attend for the upcoming school year.