A Message from the Superintendent
As winter weather approaches, it is important that we prepare for school closings or delays as a result of snow, ice, sub-zero temperatures, or any combination thereof. We want to ensure that all necessary individuals are contacted; this is why our District uses multiple methods to disseminate information. Please check our website or local news services if you do not receive a call or email but feel the current weather conditions may impact our school day. You may also follow me or your building administrator(s) on Twitter. My account is @m19supt.
If possible, we try to make the determination to close school or delay its start before 9:30pm the evening before so that families can make any necessary arrangements. However, weather conditions in the metro area often change rapidly and can be very unpredictable. If the determination to close school cannot be made until morning, then our goal is to have a decision made and communicated by 5:30am.
When making the difficult decision whether to delay, cancel, or have school, safety is the primary concern. It is our belief that having school as planned is always more productive than making up days at the end of the year. School cancellation means that school will be made up in the emergency days included at the end of the school calendar.
I hope this information helps you plan for the possibility of inclement weather days. I hope we do not have to disrupt instruction, once again. Lastly, as a parent, if you feel it is unsafe to send your child to school, we respect that decision and will excuse the absence.
Dr. Dave Deets, Superintendent
School Closure Procedures
These are the actions Mascoutah District #19 will take when school is to be closed for the day or when classes will be dismissed early:
Parents will be notified via telephone/cellphone/email messaging service. Please contact the school building if your phone or email address needs to be updated.
Parents Radio/Television broadcasts of school closings and early dismissals will be made over the following radio/TV stations:
KTVI (Fox 2)
KMOV (Channel 4)
KSDK (Channel 5)
ABC (Channel 30)
KMOX (Talk Radio 1120)
Times are modified as conditions impact the decision-making process. The decision for closing will be made daily unless general conditions dictate otherwise.
Unless announcements are made on these stations, school will be in session. School closings will also be posted on the District's website.
General Guidelines
School will be closed only in cases of extreme circumstances. Buses will operate where they can safely do so.
During extreme weather, parents/guardians are reminded to take precautions to protect children who are left at home, walk to school, or walk to the point where they normally board the school bus. Also, plans should be in place to provide for child safety when it becomes necessary for the school district to dismiss early.
School Hours
Regular School Day
Mascoutah High School: 7:35am-2:30pm
Mascoutah Middle School: 7:45am-2:40pm
Mascoutah Elementary School: 8:35am-3:30pm
Scott Elementary School: 8:35am-3:30pm
Wingate Elementary School: 8:35am-3:30pm
Early Dismissal Times (Wednesdays)
Mascoutah High School: 1:30pm
Mascoutah Middle School: 1:40pm
Mascoutah Elementary School: 2:30pm
Scott Elementary School: 2:30pm
Wingate Elementary School: 2:30pm
Late Start Day
Notification is provided through mass email, parent all-call, TV, radio, and school websites. Buses will run 1 hour later than the normal schedule for regular bus routes.
Mascoutah High School: 8:55am-2:35pm
Mascoutah Middle School: 9:15am-3:20pm
Mascoutah Elementary School: 9:25am-3:25pm
Scott Elementary School: 9:25am-3:25pm
Wingate Elementary School: 9:25am-3:25pm